日本全国、各地域に存在する地元の社会的な課題や問題をテーマに掲げ、自分たちの信じる「デザインの力」で解決していくことを目的としたクリエイター向け「即興デザイントーナメント」です。Adobe/Creative Cloud Community Teamが各地域のコミュニティーと一緒に企画・運営しています。



What is Design Jimoto?

Design Jimoto is a local design tournament created to solve local issues through a design-led approach. This event is hosted by the Adobe Creative Cloud Community team with local community partners.

Design x Jimoto (it means "Local" in Japanese) = Solution
1. We identify existing issues within the local community.
2. At the competition, these local issues are presented as challenges and will be revealed as a theme.
3. Selected local designers create artwork based on the theme to solve local issues through a  design-led approach.
※ ADOBE DESIGN JIMOTO イベントレポートはこちらから!

第三弾のDESIGN JIMOTOは 奈良県、東吉野のコーワーキングスペース OFFICE CAMP HIGASHIYOSHINOとアーティストレジデンスプログラムのDOOR to ASIAとパートナーを組んで開催されました。今回の会場となったのは、世界遺産にも認定されている法相宗大本山 興福寺の会館!イベントは2部で構成され、あるお題に沿って事前にアサインされた奈良在住のクリエイター(2名1組のチーム)総勢14名がデザインを軸に3時間のデザインコンペティションに参加し、解決策を見出してくれます。クリエイター(Jammingをする人の意でJammerと呼びます!)が3時間デザイン制作に参加している間、隣では一般参加者向けにゲストスピーカーが活躍中のプロジェクトを紹介してくれます。3時間以外はルールなしのデザインコンペティション終了後、各Jammerチームがプレゼンをし、最終的にグランプリを決定します。

DESIGN JIMOTO vol.3 in Nara, Nara!

Our third Design Jimoto was held in Nara prefecture by partnering with Nara government, OFFICE CAMP HIGASHIYOSHINO(co-working space) and DOOR to ASIA(designer's in residence program) at one of the world heritage site temple, Kohfukuji Kaikan in Japan. As part of a unique, two-part design experience seven teams of two compete against each other to create design solutions to the theme. While the designers are working, guest speakers share their inspiring projects with bigger audience. After three hours and no rules, the teams present their work to the speakers and audience who choose a winning team. 
All photos by Nishioka Kiyoshi

今回は奈良県観光局観光プロモーション課(以下” 奈良県”)に全面的に協力をいただき、事前に様々な現存する課題の洗い出しを行いました。その中で奈良の課題が浮き彫りになりました。




- 訪日観光客の人たちが、レストランを前に立ち止まり、何をどう食べれるか分からず困っています
- アレルギーのあるかたが困っています
- どのくらいの価格のレストランなのかわかりません





Our thrid Design Jimoto was held in Nara by partnering with Nara government. We identified existing Nara issues and then posed a question in the form of a theme for the competition.

Background: Since it is one of the most historical place, Nara attracts many travelers.
"It has been 5 years to hit 40,000,000 travelers to Nara in 2016 due to Kasuga Taisha (Shrine) special ceremony and tourism activation for non-Japanese travelers"

But are our infrastructures ready to welcome over 40 million travelers (per year) from all around the world?

It is often seen that travelers look so confused in front of restaurants, they don't know what to expect.
They might be the one not allowed to eat certain food due to their belief (religious reason)...
They might be the one who have certain food allergies...
They might be the one who are looking for certain price-range restaurant...

Remove the fear associated with choosing restaurants for travelers!

 If you were one of the design teams, what kind of idea would you come up with?
制限時間3時間以外はルールなしのデザインコンペティションスタート!3 hours with no-rule, Design Competition Start!
Jammerさんたちは街に繰り出し今回のお題をまず自分の目で確認します。Jammers go out to confirm the issue (theme) in real life.
Design Competition of 3 hrs w/ no-rule ended! Presentation time!

赤司研介 / 長岡綾子
Created with Illustrator
Concept & Comments: 

「NARA PROFILE SEARCH」は自分と似た価値観を持っていたり、近しいライフスタイルを送っている人を見つけ、その人のオススメするお店を検索できるwebサービスです。TOPページには、人物の写真と共に、年齢や家族構成、宗教やアレルギーなどが記され、人物をクリックするとその人のオススメのお店が一覧できます。また、店舗紹介と同時に、人物や魅力的な奈良のコンテンツも紹介することができます。

「NARA PROFILE SEARCH」is a web service where users can find similar person with similar life-style or similar set of value by their likeness and they'll recommend restaurants for you.  On the top page, you can find local people's face photos along with supplemental information such as age, family structure, religion, allergies etc. Once you click the person's face photo, it'll show you the list of recommended restaurants. You can also find not only the information about restaurants but also attractive local people's info or other Nara contents.
- Judge's Choice AWARD - 

山本あつし / 鈴木文貴
Created with Photoshop
Concept & Comments: 


We thought that most of challenges travelers have could be naturally solved by a communication with local people. Our idea is to rent 2 sets of chairs at tourist information center: one for Nara visitor and the other one for Nara resident to create an opportunity to sit together, talk to each other and if they get along well, they might go out to eat together. Once you notice the challenge you had was already solved through communication with local people, we designed that "opportunity".

- 奈良県庁賞 - 

TEAM: YO!!じょ
越智遥 / 幸得冬花
Created with After Effects & Photoshop
Concept & Comments: 




Within a main choosing restaurant issue, we focused on "allergy" part and challenged the execution.

We believe that the issue of allergy label is not only for Nara but also for throughout Japan.
As we developed our ideas, we came up with graphical easy-to-see application and web page idea but we thought just suggesting the tools won't make any difference about acknowledgement of allergy issue on supplier's (restaurants' staff) point of view.
In fact, educational video about allergy issue have been distributed to restaurants staff in USA and they get to learn food allergies through this video.
Therefore, awareness-raising about allergy issue for restaurants staff in Nara, it will become a differentiated strategy compared to other prefectures and this will eventually lead to the increase a number of travelers.

So we are to suggest a digital signage for Nara people.
We created animation by importing hand-written drawing into After Effects.  We hope local Nara people check out this animation and hopefully it can make some changes about the awareness of allergy issue.

- Adobe AWARD - 

TEAM: yuzi
廣瀬佑子 / Zinnia
Yuko Hirose & Zinnia
Created with Illustrator & Adobe XD
Concept & Comments: 

"ヤムヤム ゴッド"

"Yam Yam God"
good taste guide
We aim to create an easy guide to eating in Nara by introducing 3 new characters. These characters are tourist to Nara that consist of a family, a mother, a father and 1 child. The characters will recommend what restaurant or food, for example, the mother will recommend cute coffee places or good food for lunch & dinner for the whole family. The father will recommend places to drink and relax, and the child will recommend all the sweet and snacks specially from Nara. These characters will be featured in a web that you can easily access by acquiring a QR code that is placed strategically around Nara. Including in the web are also ratings such as food that contains allergen, value for money and taste.

Created with Illustrator
Concept & Comments: 

私たちのデザイン解決方法のコンセプトは、シンプル&テクノロジーからの繋がりです。共有認識として理解されているピクトグラムとカラーのコンビネーションを飲食店のサインシステムとして利用し、「Eat Nara!(奈良を召し上がれ!)」という外国人観光客向けのアプリを作りました。

「Eat Nara!(奈良を召し上がれ!)」のサインシステムはスティッカーとしてレストランの正面に貼られます。

「Eat Nara!(奈良を召し上がれ!)」ポスターやカタログはホテルや観光情報センターに置かれ、鹿の着ぐるみを着た英語対応も出来るスタッフが情報シェアもしてくれます。


The concept for our design solution is connection thru simplicity & technology. We use a combination of universally understood pictogram and color as the restaurants' sign system, and created an app for foreign tourists called "Eat Nara! ".

The logo is a deer eating somen, symbol of Nara, intended to appeal to foreign tourists.
The Eat Nara! sign system is on sticker media, placed in front of the restaurant.
The app will help tourist know restaurants by classification of food they can eat, for example vegetarian, halal or gluten-free or by type of cuisine like noodles or sushi. They can also rate the restaurants and help other tourists.
The Eat Nara poster and how to use brochures will be everywhere in the hotels or tourist information centers, along with a person dressed as a deer, speaking English and relaying information about Eat Nara!

Hopefully this simple system can give ease of restaurant access for foreign tourist to enjoy holiday in Nara more & give restaurants more income.

TEAM: ならほるもん
甲斐俊也 / 萩原昌子
Created with Illustrator
Concept & Comments: 


「Restaurants which respond to my allergies」
We  wanted to develop a graphical system using colors in order to eliminate language as much as possible.
The colors work as sign functions and it could also work as AR marker.
Colors are selected based on the traditional "Nara-like" hues and don't forget to add motif of Nara-like deer.
TEAM: OZZO (おずぞー)
竹田周平 / 細川幸平
Shuhei Takeda & Kohei Hosokawa
Created with Illustrator
Concept & Comments: 


There are lots of restaurants which you cannot see as restaurants from outside in Nara. Some are completely not looking like restaurants. Therefore, we invented a sign for travelers which tells you Nara's local food, TABESHIKA.
TABESHIKA is a local deer so every year their horns are cut short.
※ ADOBE DESIGN JIMOTO イベントレポートはこちらから!
All Photos by Nishioka Kiyoshi
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